Monday, April 28, 2008

Cacthing up

Sorry for the long delay in updating this blog as some systems had changed and it took me a while to understand the new ones.
US Airways appears to be dropping PIT as it doesn't appear in any of the summer schedules (how is hung on as long as it did is beyond me). US is adding a midday CRJ-900 flight to Charlotte but the mourning mainline flight is now an E-190 compared to a larger A319. Also Continental's mid-mourning Newark flight is going from a 50 seat E145 to a 70 seat Q400 effective next month. Delta is cutting one of their Atlanta flights (they are doing this to many cities) but one of the others is going from a 50 seat CRJ-100 to a 70-seat CRJ-700 so the net loss is 30 seats. A Lake Renegade seaplane crashed recently in Skaneatelas killing one person a seriously injuring another. That's all for now